Benefits for Business Owners and Building Managers
With instant savings on qualifying equipment, California’s Statewide Midstream Water Heating Program intends to put reliable, high-efficiency water heating systems within the reach of businesses.
Why Participate?
High-efficiency equipment can help reduce monthly energy use and operating costs by up to 15%.*
New, high-efficiency equipment can help lower the risk of downtime and reduce annual maintenance costs.
Energy-efficient equipment can help maintain a comfortable and productive environment for staff, guests and tenants.
Organizations that engage in proactive energy management could potentially experience less difficulty meeting city, county, and state mandatory regulatory compliance standards, both current and future.
Energy-efficient buildings, compared to typical buildings, could realize higher asset value, higher rent, and higher occupancy rates.**2

About the Program
The Statewide Midstream Water Heating Program helps business owners and building managers purchase high-efficiency commercial water heating products at reduced prices and contractors build lower-cost equipment into their bids. Distributors can receive incentives and program support for offering instant point-of-sale rebates to eligible commercial customers of SoCalGas®, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E®), Southern California Edison (SCE®) or San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E®).
About the Program
The Statewide Midstream Water Heating Program helps business owners and building managers purchase high-efficiency commercial water heating products at reduced prices and contractors build lower-cost equipment into their bids. Distributors can receive incentives and program support for offering instant point-of-sale rebates to eligible commercial customers of SoCalGas®, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E®), Southern California Edison (SCE®) or San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E®).